This Week – Vol. 14


Hello again!

This Week, there are two articles for you to enjoy!

First up, on Tuesday, a special detour from the canon as I recount my trip to a special Disney Infinity event.

Then Thursday, our next stop on our journey, with 101 Dalmatians (#17)!

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Program Note III

What happened?

A lot, actually. From the last time we saw each other I: fell in love, got offered a new job, got married, moved to Texas, and started a new life!

My original mission of reviewing all 52 (at the time) Disney Animated Feature Films in the year 2013 has been a complete failure.

But you know what? That’s okay. I’ve received the blessing of having a new partner in my life. My wife is a wonderful woman, and we’re very happy together. I’ve learned that it’s okay to relax, and that it’s okay for things to not go as planned. (By the way, if you remember one of my articles from way back, from March of 2013: Gauchos, Anniversaries, and D23, the guy in the picture with me, Jacob? I married his oldest sister!)

What’s the future of this blog then? Well, made up person, I want to finish it. I intend to continue reviewing the remaining films on my list, including newcomers Big Hero 6 (#54), Zootopia (#55), and Moana (#56). This time, the schedule will be much more relaxed. Don’t expect a new review every week, I can’t do that. But you’ll know when a new one is coming because there will be a new This Week posted. I also intend to keep writing side articles about other Disney and animation things that are interesting to me. (I do owe you a Mary Blair article, huh? Also, Frozen (#53) got kinda big, didn’t it?)

I hope you will continue to follow my blog. As always, you can sign up for updates somewhere on here. As for my friends that kept up with me and have read my articles, and commented so far, thank you for doing so. It is my pleasure to share my love of Disney and animation with you.

Until next time!

This Week: Vol.12

Well, that was a while!

It’s good to be back here at Then to NowI hope you’ll bear with me as I play catch up for a bit. To that end, my regular columns that aren’t reviews of the cannon films are suspended for the time being. (Although one or two might slip through where appropriate.) What can you expect this week?

Well, how about an entire week of films?


Here’s the schedule:

  • Monday: (today!) Peter Pan
  • Tuesday: Lady and the Tramp
  • Wednesday: Sleeping Beauty
  • Thursday: One Hundred and One Dalmatians
  • Friday: The Sword in the Stone

This schedule will bring us a little closer to being on track to finish by the end of the year. I hope you’ll stick around, because we haven’t even been deep into the Disney Cannon!

Sign up for updates on the left!


Program Note II

A happy Thursday to all!

I know I promised two articles this week, including our first foray past the package films, but unfortunately there were some circumstances that kept me from doing those.

Don’t worry though! To stay on schedule, we will do a double feature next week. Then the week after will see my article on Mary Blair.

Thanks for your patience!