Downtown Disney Infinity Zoo

A couple of months back (March 1st, to be precise), my wife and I had the opportunity to attend a special Disney event.

As a fan of the Disney Infinity games, I was invited to attend an event showcasing what was coming next from Disney Infinity. In addition, those in attendance would be treated to a special screening of Disney’s latest animated offering: Zootopia (#55)!

See me after the jump for some details and thoughts!

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Gauchos, Anniversaries, and D23

I’m trying out something new this week. I had the opportunity to visit a fan-exclusive event at the Orpheum Theatre in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. This was a special event held by D23: The Official Disney Fan Club. It started out with these colorful flags outside the theatre.

All pictures were taken by me on my cell phone, and thanks to my friend Jacob for coming with me!

Can you name the characters?

Can you name the characters?

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Hi there!

Nice to meet you. Welcome to Then and Now: A Cinematic Experience Revisited.

I’m Gabriel and I love movies. I want to share what I think about them with you. Most of these films have had a long time between my first viewing and my most recent, hence the blog title.

So, I’m starting with the 53 animated films in the Disney animated cannon. If you look to the left, you’ll see links to pages that say “Home,” “About,” and “Sources.”

“Home” takes you to the home page of this blog, with the latest posts visible.

“About” takes you to a page with more information about this blog and the films I’ll be discussing.

“Sources” takes you to a list of resources I used to make my posts interesting.

I hope you enjoy what I have to offer, please subscribe in the box there on the left. That way, you’ll know when something new is up. If you register with, you’ll also be able to leave comments and contribute to the conversation. This started as my New Year’s Resolution for 2013, but I hope it becomes more than that.

So please join me in this adventure, however it goes for me, I’m sure will be interesting to you!

“Do you trust me?” –Aladdin