16 – Pink! Blue! Pink! Blue!

Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty

Premiere: January, 29 1959

Budget: $6,000,000

Box Office: $5,300,000 (Original Release)

Released by: Buena Vista Film Distribution Company, Inc.


    • Academy Award – Best Scoring of a Musical Picture (Nominee)

Running Time: 75 Minutes (1 hr, 15 min)

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This Week – Vol. 13?

Boy oh boy! Long time no see, right?

What can you expect this week? Well…

First off, I’ve got some explaining to do, that’ll be in the form of Program Note III that will appear tomorrow.

Then, we continue our journey through the films with Sleeping Beauty. You can expect that on Wednesday.

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This Week: Vol.12

Well, that was a while!

It’s good to be back here at Then to NowI hope you’ll bear with me as I play catch up for a bit. To that end, my regular columns that aren’t reviews of the cannon films are suspended for the time being. (Although one or two might slip through where appropriate.) What can you expect this week?

Well, how about an entire week of films?


Here’s the schedule:

  • Monday: (today!) Peter Pan
  • Tuesday: Lady and the Tramp
  • Wednesday: Sleeping Beauty
  • Thursday: One Hundred and One Dalmatians
  • Friday: The Sword in the Stone

This schedule will bring us a little closer to being on track to finish by the end of the year. I hope you’ll stick around, because we haven’t even been deep into the Disney Cannon!

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Notes On: The Multiplane Camera

What is this weird, tall, possibly dangerous, complicated contraption?

Multiplane Camera

Multiplane Camera on Display at the Walt Disney Studios

This is the multiplane camera, and it was responsible for the insurmountable quality of animation at the Walt Disney Studio.

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